On recruiting...
This week, I interviewed for a couple of marketing jobs for post-graduation. I'm excited about the future, but I'm also intrigued by the level of marketing that goes into such a behind-the-scenes process such as human resources. I've seen the career fair trade-show-like booths, the big, impressive signs and bright colors, the freebie giveaways, and everything else in the past couple weeks and it blew me away. Well, it would have blown me away had I not been weighted down with tons of freebies from the booths. I got a deck of cards from Macy's, a water bottle from Johnson and Johnson, a pair of socks from Payless, mints and candy everywhere, letter openers, granola bars from General Mills, and all sorts of other swag. Anyway, my point is, I saw an application of marketing that I hadn't seen before. Companies are out there competing for the best applicants, and they have to fight hard (or give away something really cool). I always envisioned a "I'm the lowly college grad begging for a job" scenario, but it didn't happen that way. Of course, I do attend one of the highest-ranked business schools in the country. Maybe if I was at Podunk State I'd have a more difficult time, but I'm feeling all right right now. I think I'll be able to land a job when I graduate. We'll just see what it is.
Labels: careers, college, jobs, marketing competition, recruiting
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